An empty website and its folder structure.

Now let's generate an empty site with any name such as "my_first_site". Navigate your terminal to the directory that you want to put your project folder on. Then run this command and follow its instructions:

nikola init my_first_site

Then create your first post and it will ask you to input post title. Your post file .rst will be created in "posts" folder. We will edit the post later:

nikola new_post

Build your website:

nikola build

Let's see your empty website on the browser. The -b option will open your default web browser automatically:

nikola serve -b

Press Ctrl+C to stop your web server.

The project's folder structure.

After the initialization, you will get folder like this.

Folder Structure
Name Description
files Everything in here will be copied to your output folder.
galleries Put your images folder here to generate gallery page.
listings Put your code here to show it. (Learn more )
output Your generated website.
pages All your pages are kept here.
post All your posts are kept here. settings for Nikola.

Next post, we will customize our site.


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