Double-sided PCB milling

Export Gerber files from Eagle

From your pcb eagle's project, open your board. Then export Gerber files following these 4 steps. Make sure you are working on Metric unit. We need to unselect cutouts as they are included in Excellon file already. Unzip your output file. That's it we are done with Eagle.

export gerber.

Eagle export Gerber.

CAM process with Flatcam

Previous post Flatcam installing . Today, I'll show you the process of making 2-layer PCB.

Configuring the project

Trailing Zeros

Eagle uses Trailing Zeros in its Excellon number format but does not properly report this format in the Excellon file. To tell FlatCAM to use this format by default set this system option excellon_zeros to T by using the set_sys command in the Shell Command Line Interface as shown below:

set_sys excellon_zero T


2018-05-18 : Current Flatcam source is having problem with this command. If need this functionality, use stable version.

System unit

From options tab, select Units as mm.

Units: mm

Units: mm

Create mirror axis and alignment pins


Each object can be moved to arbitrary location. Select object and go to selected tab then find offset tool.

Load Gerber files:


Load Excellon file:


Mirror axis for bottom layer stuff, from menu bar, Tool -> Double-sided PCB Tool. Create mirror axis around Y axis at location x = 50 mm:

Mirror Axis: Y
Axis Location: Point
Point/Box: (50,0)

Mirror bottom layer objects one by one from the drop-down menu and click "Mirror Object":


Alignment Holes help align the pcb when we flip it over. Create holes with 6 mm in diameter at desired locations. Then click "Create Alignment Drill":

Alignment Holes: (110, -5),(110, 60)
Drill diam: 6

You can generate gcode to cut Alignment Holes following similar process of the next section below. You can skip this for now and do it later.


Double-sided PCB Tool

Top-side non-copper area

Hide all other layer except copper_top.gbr. Select this object then navigate to "Non-copper regions" section and generate geometry:

Boundary Margin: 0.1

New geometry "copper_top.gbr_noncopper" is created. Navigate to "Paint Area" and generate paint area:

Tool dia:  0.1
Overlap:   0.05
Margin:    0.1
Method:    standard
Connect:   yes
Contour:   yes
Selection: All

New geometry "copper_top.gbr_noncopper_paint" is created. Navigate to "Create CNC Job" and generate toolpath:

Cut Z:        -0.05
Travel Z:      1.0
Feed Rate:     250.0
Tool dia:      0.1
Spindle speed: 24,000
Multi-Depth:   No

New geometry "copper_top.gbr_noncopper_paint_cnc" is created. Navigate to "Export G-Code" and export gcode.

Top-side isolation

Select "copper_top.gbr" and navigate to "Isolation Routing". Then generate geometry:

Tool dia:       0.145
Width(#passes): 1
Pass overlap:   0.0
Combine Passes: No

New geometry "copper_top.gbr_iso" is created. Navigate to "Create CNC Job" and generate toolpath:

Cut Z:        -0.05
Travel Z:      1.0
Feed Rate:     250.0
Tool dia:      0.145
Spindle speed: 24,000
Multi-Depth:   No

New geometry "copper_top.gbr_iso_cnc" is created. Navigate to "Export G-Code" and export gcode.

Top-side solder mask

Select "soldermask_top.gbr" and navigate to "Isolation Routing". Then generate geometry:

Tool dia:       0.0
Width(#passes): 1
Pass overlap:   0.0
Combine Passes: No

New geometry "soldermask_top.gbr_iso" is created. Navigate to "Paint Area" and generate paint area:

Tool dia:  0.1
Overlap:   0.05
Margin:    0.1
Method:    standard
Connect:   yes
Contour:   yes
Selection: All

New geometry "soldermask_top.gbr_iso_paint" is created. Navigate to "Create CNC Job" and generate toolpath:

Cut Z:        -0.05
Travel Z:      1.0
Feed Rate:     400.0
Tool dia:      0.1
Spindle speed: 24,000
Multi-Depth:   No

New geometry "soldermask_top.gbr_iso_paint_cnc" is created. Navigate to "Export G-Code" and export gcode. That's it for the top layer. Now flip over the PCB. The alignment holes helps keep PCB in correct position. The bottom-side non-copper area, isolation, soldermask are identical to the top layer.


In drills.xln's Tools selection, choose hole sizes needed for drilling, excluding those large holes which need milling. Holes larger than 1 mm in diameter, I will use milling process instead. So select:


In Create CNC Job section:

Cut Z:        -1.95
Travel Z:      1.0
Feed Rate:     150.0
Tool change:   yes
Tool change Z: 50
Spindle speed: 24,000

New geometry "drills.xln_cnc" is created. Navigate to "Export G-Code" and export gcode. Next, select drills.xln again and choose hole sizes for milling:


At Mill Holes section, generate geometry:

Tool dia: 1.5

New geometry "soldermask_top.gbr_iso_paint" is created. Navigate to "Create CNC Job" and generate toolpath:

Cut Z:        -1.95
Travel Z:      1.0
Feed Rate:     150.0
Tool dia:      1.5
Spindle speed: 24,000
Multi-Depth:   yes
Depth/pass:    1

New geometry "drills.xln_mill_cnc" is created. Navigate to "Export G-Code" and export gcode.


This is a bit tricky. We need the cut edges pass right through the middle of profile lines. The measurement tool indicates 0.254 mm line thickness. For 1.5 mm tool dia, we set Tool dia = 1.5 - 0.254 mm. In Isolation Routing, generate geometry with the calculated Tool dia:

Tool dia:       1.246
Width(passes):  1
Pass overlap:   0.0
Combine Passes: No

New geometry "profile.gbr_iso" is created. Delete the interior part by Edit Geometry > Add Rectangle on inner line > With Select tool, press CTRL and select Geometry and box respectively > Cut Path > Delete Shape both box and inner line > Update Geometry.


Add Rectangle > Cut Path > Delete Shape


Only outter profile left.

For small size PCB, you might need tabs to hold PCB in place while cutting. To do so, edit geometry > draw boxes on where you want tabs> cut path > delete boxes. This PCB is big enough so I will move on to Create CNC Job. Note that Tool dia is 1.5 mm this time:

Cut Z:        -1.95
Travel Z:      1.0
Feed Rate:     150.0
Tool dia:      1.5
Spindle speed: 24,000
Multi-Depth:   yes
Depth/pass:    1

A closer look.


Cutting edges are on the middle of the profile.gbr's lines now.

New geometry "profile.gbr_iso_cnc" is created. Export G-Code. Now we are done with Flatcam.

Machine specific G-code

Now we combine exported Gcode into a single file if they share the same cutting tool. A 0.1mm engrave bit is used for noncopper paint and isolation. A 0.6 and 0.9 mm drill bits are used for drilling. A 1.5 mm endmill is used for large holes and profile milling. This is example of my Gcode header:

G00 X7.999700Y75.7321
M03 S24000
G4 P1
G00 Z1.0000
G01 Z-0.0500 F200.00
G01 X8.045600Y75.7418

My CNC has Surface grid-probing feature which helps compensate uneven surface automatically. Simply specify area you wanna probe with G32. M374 save probe results for next time usage.:

G32 X-143.790000 Y-77.1287 A105. B55.
G4 P1
G00 X7.999700Y75.7321
M03 S24000
G4 P1
G00 Z1.0000
G01 Z-0.0500 F200.00
G01 X8.045600Y75.7418

Also Tool length probe with G38.2 and G10 for work coordinate. M500 save the settings for next time usage.:

G32 X-143.790000 Y-77.1287 A105. B55.
G4 P1
G00 X4.000000Y74.000F2000.
G4 P1
G38.2 Z-20.
G4 P2
G10 L20 P1 Z0.
G4 P1
G00 X7.999700Y75.7321
M03 S24000
G4 P1
G00 Z1.0000
G01 Z-0.0500 F200.00
G01 X8.045600Y75.7418


G32 utilize Machine coordinate system (G53 values)


Gcode visualization of top layer isolation.


Gcode visualization of top layer soldermask.


Gcode visualization of bottom layer isolation.


Gcode visualization of bottom layer soldermask.


Gcode visualization of holes and profile milling.

Milling the PCB


Milling top layer.


Milling top layer soldermask.


Milling bottom layer.


Finshed PCB top side.


Finshed PCB bottom side.


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